Faculty Profile

1. Name (Block letters) :
2. Educational Qualification :
Ph. D.
3. Department :
4. Current Designation :
Assistant Prof. (Stage 1)
5. Date of Appointment :
6. Address for correspondence
(with pin code) :
Flat No.-4C, Magnolia Olympus, Noapara, Chinar Park, Kolkata- 700157
7. E‐mail :
8. Contribution to the Management of the Institution:
[A] Governance Responsibility
Head of the Department of Physics w.e.f. 18-03-2015
[B] Academic-Administrative Committee

Academic Sub-Committee (2015-2023)

Library Sub-Committee (2015-)

Cultural Sub-Committee (2015-2018)

Routine Sub-Committee (2016-2018)

Admission Sub-Committee (-)

IQAC (-)

NAAC (-)

Research & Publication Sub-Committee (-)

Discussion & Debate Club (-)

Farewell Sub-Committee (-)

Seminar Sub-Committee (-)

9. Contributions in the area of Research and Development:
[A] Published Papers in Journals: (Notified on UGC website)
Year Sl No Title of the Paper Journal ISSN Page No.
2013 1 Effective Mass-Driven Structural Transition in a Mn-Doped ZnS Nanoplatelet Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters ISSN 1948-7185 10221027
2014 2 Microscopic model for the strain-driven direct to indirect band-gap transition in monolayer MoS2 and ZnO Physical Review B ISSN 2469-9950 (print) 2469-9969 (online) 115201
2015 3 A model for the direct-to-indirect band-gap transition in monolayer MoSe2 under strain Pramana- Journal of Physics ISSN 0304-4289 (print) ISSN: 0973-7111 (online) 10331040
2020 4 Layer-Dependent Electronic Structure Changes in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides: The Microscopic Origin American Chemical Society Omega ISSN: 2470-1343 1516915176
[B] Papers presented in Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, Symposia:
Year Sl No Title of the paper presented Title of Conference/ Seminar Organized by International/ National/ State/ level Date
2023 1 Green Energy in India: Socio-economic impacts, policies, challenges and future potentials Renewable Energy and its Social Impact: Towards Making Clean and Green India Bangabasi College, Kolkata in collaboration with Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi International 06-08-2023
[C] Participation details in seminar/ workshop/conference etc.
Year Sl No Topic Level Organized by Date
2012 1 "ICTS-2012”- Advances in Graphene, Majorana Fermions, Quantum Computation International IISc. Bangalore 16-12-2012
2012 2 ACCMS Theme Meeting on 2D Nanostructures: Graphene and Beyond Interrnational IISc. Bangalore 12-07-2012
2012 3 International Conference on Functional Oxides and New Carbon Materials International S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences
2013 4 Novel 2D materials: tuning electronic properties on the atomic scale International Bremen Center for Computational Materials Science , Germany 10-06-2013
2014 5 ICONSAT-2014: International Conference on Nanoscience and technology International Institute of Nano Science and Technology, Mohali, Punjab 03-03-2014
2019 6 Experimental Learning, Community Engagements and Rural Immersion National UGC-HRDC, Jadavpur University and MGNCR, Hyderabad, Govt. of India 06-09-2019
2020 7 Two day National Webinar on Fundamental Physics National Ashutosh College 27-08-2020
2020 8 Interpretation of Survival strategies of Nature and Human Amidst Pandemic/Natural Disaster State P. R. Thakur Government College 11-07-2020
2023 9 Renewable Energy and its Social Impact: Towards Making Clean and Green India International Bangabasi College, Kolkata in collaboration with Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi 05-08-2023